Refund Policy

1. When can I expect the amount to be refunded? 1.1 Please note that the refund amount mentioned at the time of return on the Platform is an estimate and will be finalised after completion of verification. Once the pick-up is completed and the product is verified by the seller, a refund of the total amount paid for the products returned by you will be initiated for eligible returns as mentioned above. 1.2 Refund will be initiated only post successful verification of the products by the seller. Please note that the verification process may take: For Local Cities*: 48 hours from the time of pick up from your location. For Other Cities: 8-10 business days from the date of pick up from your location. 1.3 The amount is expected to reflect in your account after completion of verification from the seller as per the following timelines: Method of Payment Refund Timeframe (after successful verification from third party pharmacy/ vendor) Medi Store Remedy wallet and Cash on Delivery [Note: refunds for cash on delivery orders shall be reflecting in your Medi Store Remedy wallet.]1 business day NEFT 1-3 business days Online refund 7-10 business days subject to the bank turnaround time and RBI Guidelines.Other Wallets 2-3 business days 1.4 You understand and acknowledge that we reserve the rights to claim back any refund that has been processed by us as a result of fraudulent activities such as return of wrong products or wrong quantity of the products. D.  Assured Delivery Cashback Eligibility: 1. Kindly note the following criteria for eligibility for assured delivery Cashback: 1.1 Delivery assurance is for the date of delivery and not for the time of delivery. 1.2 Cashback is applicable only for orders with value more than INR 1000/- 1.3 Applicable in select pin-codes only, the customer shall be informed of his eligibility at the time of placing the order on the checkout page. 1.4 If eligible, cashback will be processed within 48 hours of order delivery/completion. 1.5 Orders, where delay is from the customer's end, will not be considered for the cashback.